Manage your risk better with Supplier Master Data

Manage your risk better with Supplier Master Data

It is Friday afternoon and you receive a call from your supplier of spare parts. They complain they have not been paid for the previous invoice and therefore the current shipment of machinery spare parts cannot be shipped today, putting production for the coming days at serious risk.

You call the finance department and find out that the invoice has indeed been paid, so you inform your supplier. After the exchange of several emails, you realise to payment for the invoice has been processed as expected, but supplier’s banking details have not been updated in your ERP system. So, you use the company credit card to pay for the previous and current invoice to get the goods shipped on time. A Cash payment instead of 30 days credit from the supplier…. something you will have to explain to the management and your auditor.

You realise a simple mistake or omission in the supplier data can prove to be costly, both in terms of supplier’s relationship and the continuity of supply. As the relative value of the supplied goods increases, so does the importance of a correct and accurate supplier record.

The example above shows the significance of the missing information, but it does not stop there. For making the right decisions, you need to have key supplier information at hand, and so do your colleagues from various departments. This can include insurance or quality certifications, product certifications or manuals, price lists, NDA documents, contact details, banking details, policy documents and plenty more.

Creating a centralised location for all of these documents and information, a so-called Supplier Master Data record, is of significant value to all business users within the organisation. It can provide valuable information about supplier compliance and risk levels. Ensuring your suppliers are compliant in environmental, health & safety or human rights requirements is often one of the most important tasks for a procurement professional.  Optimising supplier relationships and ERP system effectiveness rely heavily upon your ability to collect timely and accurate supplier master data. 

So, what should be the features of a good Master Data solution?


The solution needs to work without the need for your every-day involvement. It should allow your existing suppliers to provide their data and update it when required. Also, it needs to cater for your speculative suppliers, sales people that contact you about doing business with you. It is a smart idea to at least find out what the supplier is offering and if they can bring any value to your organisation.

Another area to consider is the collection of your suppliers’ certification details for quality, environmental, information security as well as details of liability insurance policies to notify you if any of the suppliers lose their certification as it may affect the level of business with that said supplier.

SourceDogg’s award-winning solution allows you to create and customise a series of questionnaires that can be published online and accessed by existing and potential suppliers.  Once they submit the data, the suppliers are then reviewed and approved/rejected.

Subject Matter Experts from various parts of the organisation, e.g. Health & Safety officer or HR officer should be involved in the review of the supplier’s response to evaluate the supplier’s compliance to various legal and regulatory matters prior to Supplier being approved by the senior management or departmental heads.  If approved, their data is then updated in the supplier’s profile page and made visible to all relevant user’s in your account.


Your suppliers come from all walks of life, with various levels of technical ability. Therefore it must be easy for them to submit or update their data. The most advanced systems will allow to enter their key information in the form of a web questionnaire, not any more difficult than browsing any other website.

SourceDogg Continuous Supplier Onboarding will allow you to integrate your due diligence or new vendor application form to your website and makes it easy and intuitive for the supplier to respond. Supplier answers are saved in their account and can be retrieved or exported at any time.

Single Source of Truth for ERP Integration

ERP systems are at the heart of every organisation and therefore any changes to the supplier record must be updated in the ERP. Ideally, you would want this process to take place automatically on a periodic basis.

SourceDogg will allow you to fully customise the report fields and schedule the report as per your requirements. This can then be either sent by email to relevant user or uploaded to secure FTP server, where the script can pick it up and automatically import to ERP system.

For more details of SourceDogg Master Data Solution or demo of this feature please contact SourceDogg Customer Service team on

SourceDogg Requisitioning Module – Guide users through a straightforward buying process, automatically routing requisition approval.

SourceDogg’s New Product, Service and Supplier Requisition Module

Accelerate the Requisition process and help the central procurement team manage requests, approvals and workloads.
Requisition user access, can be provided to anyone with authority to buy and can significantly help control tail spend, reduce administration time, paperwork and improve governance across the organisation.

Contact the team for a demonstration.

SourceDogg Data Sheet Search to help suppliers get noticed and buyers get what they need

SourceDogg is launching new functionality enabling buyers to search 1,000s of product data sheets in seconds.

SourceDogg announced today it is releasing new Data Sheet Search functionality powered by Microsoft Azure later this year. SourceDogg is committed to giving suppliers greater exposure to a global audience. Data Sheet Search will allow buyers to quickly identify potential suppliers by searching for key phrases, names or codes in supplier data sheets, empowering suppliers to attract and engage with SourceDogg’s users. This exciting feature also enables buyers to search key product phrases or product codes from their SourceDogg account and retrieve relevant supplier data sheets in seconds, detailing product specifications. Data Sheet Search will allow buyers to save time identifying potential suppliers and help suppliers to connect with new customers. Buyers will be able to request these product data sheets from suppliers, and suppliers will also be able to notify buyers of their product data sheet updates.

Suppliers simply upload their product data sheets in bulk and instantly attract new buyers. Once the supplier has uploaded their data sheets they can notify buyers on the SourceDogg platform about their products. This gives suppliers a platform where they can easily get noticed and attract potential clients. Buyers will also benefit as they will be able to quickly identify potential new suppliers and receive updates on products and services provided by current suppliers.

Alan Phelan, CEO of SourceDogg describes how integrating Azure Search has helped SourceDogg with this new exciting functionality: “Being built on Microsoft Azure has helped us a lot with scalability; our system can take as many product data sheets as our suppliers would like to upload to our platform. Azure Search has allowed us to let buyer users easily search keywords and phrases that are within a PDF or image, making it easier for procurement teams to find and engage with new suppliers through SourceDogg.”

SourceDogg wanted to give suppliers a chance to engage with and get noticed by its buyer users, and Azure Search has enabled the company to achieve this. Azure Search’s Optical Character Recognition (OCR) has been especially useful, allowing users to search within image files and PDFs. SourceDogg allows suppliers to tag their data sheets upon upload, which, when combined with Azure’s Document Search, allows quick and relevant search results, helping to ensure buyers find the right suppliers to do business with. Microsoft Azure SQL Database and Azure Search services allow SourceDogg to provide fast, smart search and reporting features, and Azure’s scale enables it to more easily adjust infrastructure to meet the demands of customers and their schedules.

Suppliers need to register for a free SourceDogg account at to access Data Sheet Search. From there, they can upload their product data sheets in bulk and gain instant exposure to a wide range of potential customers. For buyers it couldn’t be simpler. Buyers just need to log in to their SourceDogg account to access this deep search functionality and easily identify new suppliers of products that are relevant to their company’s needs.

For more information, press only:

SourceDogg, phone: +44 (0) 203 481 0904, e-mail address:

Note to editors: If you are interested in viewing additional information on SourceDogg, please visit


The names of actual companies and products mentioned herein may be the trademarks of their respective owners

What is SourceDogg?

SourceDogg is e-sourcing made easy.

Source the right suppliers for all your goods and services with our request feature.

  • Create your request for quotation, tender, information or proposal.
  • Publish to a worldwide audience and/or invite specific suppliers.
  • Effortlessly evaluate supplier responses.
  • Award your winning supplier!

What makes it so easy?

  • Work effectively in teams, composing requests and scoring responses.
  • Quickly build a library of requests for all sourcing events by editing and cloning.
  • Use SourceDogg’s industry-specific, best practice request templates.
  • Browse, pool, tag and invite suppliers from an industry-categorised Supplier Directory – featuring over 200,000 businesses worldwide and growing strong.
  • Maintain all procurement resources (request questions/line items, documents and contracts) in one online location.
  • Instant auditing of your organisation’s sourcing process with standard and customised report options.
  • Analytical tools for comparing and evaluating supplier responses.
  • And much more…

Completing your SourceDogg Profile

What will a complete and accurate profile do for you?


  • Attract relevant suppliers that represent the best fit for your organisation.
  • Assure suppliers your organisation is well-established with a link to your website, downloadable certifications, year established, etc.
  • Provide supplementary information to suppliers that are considering competing for your business.


Please note: Only Admin users may edit the profile.

On this page:

1. Viewing/updating your profile
Fig.1.1 Access your organisation profile
Fig.1.2 Edit your organisation profile
Fig.1.3 Save your organisation profile
Fig.1.4 View your updated profile
2. Why display certifications?
3. Adding certifications to profile
Fig.3.1 Uploading a certification to your profile
Fig.3.2 Remove a certification

Click the Back button in your browser to return to the menu above after viewing a link.

1. Viewing/updating your profile

  1. Access your profile at any time from the application menu (Fig.1.1).
  2. You now see your profile as it appears online.
  3. Click Edit Profile (Fig.1.2) to update your profile – this button is visible only to Admin users.
  4. Enter as much information as possible, including your organisation’s logo, and click Save (Fig.1.3).
  5. Click View Profile (Fig.1.4) after saving to see how your updated profile appears to suppliers.

Fig.1.1 Access your organisation profile


Fig.1.2 Edit your profile


Fig.1.3 Save your profile



Fig.1.4 View your updated profile


2. Why display certifications?

  1. Certifications inform suppliers of the standards you keep and quality you expect.
  2. They assure suppliers of your organisation’s stability and potential as a long term client.

3. Adding certifications to profile

  1. Enter all required information regarding your certification: StandardNumber and Issue Date.
  2. Enter supplementary information if applicable/available: Expires On and Issued By.
  3. Click Upload Certification (Fig.3.1) and select the certification from your computer or device to allow suppliers to download a copy.
  4. Click Add to Profile to add the certification to your profile.
  5. To remove a certification, click the ‘X‘ that appears in the same row (Fig.3.2)

Fig.3.1 Upload a certification to your profile

Fig.3.2 Remove a certification

Navigating SourceDogg:
the Application Menu

How to navigate SourceDogg

Get to know your application menu for easy navigation of SourceDogg. 

We are buying, We are supplying and Supplier Management

  • Click We are buying to go to the home page of your buyer account.
  • Click We are supplying to go the home page of your supplier account.  Please note: this option is not visible/available to buyer-only accounts.

  • Click Supplier Management to go to Supplier Management feature where you can browse and search the Supplier Directory, tagging and pooling organisations of interest.


Click Resources to open a drop-down menu with the following options:

  • Documents: store, sort, tag and share all procurement-related files.

  • Contracts: store, sort, tag, share and set reminders for contracts.


Click Reports to open a drop-down menu with the following report options:

  • Events: view all sourcing events (e.g. request deadline, contract expiry) for a specified period.
  • Items: view all your organisation’s product and service items currently saved on SourceDogg.
  • Questions: view all your organisation’s request questions currently saved on SourceDogg.
  • Requests: view a status update on all your organisation’s requests.
  • Suppliers: view all suppliers that your organisation has interacted with and added to the Supplier Pool on SourceDogg.
  • Users: view the details, request history and last login date of all your organisation’s users.

Please note: The Reports option is available/visible to admin users only.

Settings, Profile and Help

Click your name [Donal Kavanagh in example pictured above] to open a drop-down menu with the following options:

  • Organisation Profile: view your organisation’s SourceDogg profile. Admin users may also edit the profile.

  • Account Settings: change your Personal Settings and Password. Admin users may also change Organisation Settings, and add, edit or remove users in User Management.
  • Help: access the SourceDogg Knowledge Base.
  • Logout

Quick Request: Creating to Publishing in Minutes

Sample RFQ – requesting pricing for laser printers

Welcome to SourceDogg, the home of effective and easy-to-use e-sourcing.

This is a quick demonstration of how to create and publish a request for quotation.

On this page:

1. Creating a new request and entering details

2. Request content – adding questions and line items

3. Adding suppliers

1. Creating a new request and entering details

Log in and start a new request from the home page (Fig.1.1).

Fig.1.1 Create a new request

Now enter the Request Details (Fig.1.2).

Fig.1.2 Enter request details

Start by entering a Title.

Be sure to enter a concise title that helps suppliers quickly estimate their suitability. There is no need to specify whether you are seeking a quotation (price), tender, proposal or information because the type of request will be made apparent to suppliers.

This demonstration request is for five wireless laser printers so enter the title ‘Laser Printers’.

Now for the type of request (Request for…) and Currency, both of which are simple dropdown options (Fig.1.3).

Fig.1.3 Select request type and currency

Select the default currency of Euros and Request for Quotation.

Why quotation? Well this is not a complicated sourcing event and you are just looking for the best price before quickly selecting a winning supplier.

And now for the relevant dates. Select a Response Deadline of 17:00 on 30/09/2014 and an Expected Decision Date of 15:00 on 07/10/2014 (Fig.1.4) – one week seems like plenty of time to evaluate supplier responses and choose a winner.

Fig.1.4 Select request dates

All required details (TitleRequest for…, and Response Deadline) have now been provided, so you can now Save Details at the foot of the page (Fig.1.5). Repeat this at any time to save progress while working on your draft.

Fig.1.5 Save progress

Move on to Description, which should be detailed, clear and include any keywords that will increase searchability (if request features a Public Invitation, more of which below).

The request you are creating today is not too complicated so the following should be sufficient:

‘We are looking for your best price for 5 colour laser printers. They must be wireless and preferred brands are Brother and Dell.’

See this description entered (Fig.1.6).

Fig.1.6 Enter a request description

And so you arrive at Request Team.

As the request Creator, you (or ‘Trevor Jennings’ in the example pictured below) are already in there. See who else might be able to help with this sourcing event by clicking where you are prompted to add another team member (Fig.1.7).

In the example pictured, it’s ‘Gerry Stevens’ the IT manager (Fig.1.8) – he’ll definitely have good insight into laser printers. Also added is ‘Mitch Murray’ from the Accounts Dept, but just as a Reader (Fig.1.9) so he’s in the loop.

Fig.1.7 Open user menu

Fig.1.8 Add user as a team member

Fig.1.9 Adjust role of team member

You may want to add attachments to this request.

In the example pictured, one attachment is a video outlining what the buyer organisation does (always useful at the outset of a new supplier relationship), and the other is a document specifying Terms & Conditions for suppliers (Fig.1.10).

Fig.1.10 Add attachments to request

There are some important settings on the Request Details page:

  • Public Invitation: allows any supplier registered with SourceDogg to submit a response to your publically accessible online request.
  • Approval Requirement: means a designated approver must approve the request before publication.
  • Response Lock: restricts viewing of supplier responses until after the Response Deadline. 
  • Score System: allows you to assign weight to questions, score supplier answers and rank their responses accordingly.
  • Supplier Q&A: opens a channel of communication with all participating suppliers for questions and answers, and any announcements you may need to make.

Select Public Invitation. A laser printer is not a specialist or customised product so you should welcome responses from any interested suppliers.

Also select Score System as you want an objectively and jointly selected winning supplier.

See these settings selected (Fig.1.11).

Fig.1.11 Select request settings

You may notice that on selecting Score System you are prompted by a message (Fig.1.12) to allocate scoring responsibility to at least one Request Team member.

In the example request pictured, ‘Gerry Stevens’ and the request Creator (‘Trevor Jennings’) are the team members with the required responsibility and technical knowledge that are selected as scorers (Fig.1.13).

Fig.1.12 Prompted to select a scorer

Fig.1.13 Select scorers

Click Save Details once more.


2. Request content – adding questions and line items

You are now ready to click on the Content tab (Fig.2.1) where you can input questions for suppliers and the goods or services you want them to price.

Fig.2.1 Open the content screen

Start by clicking on the Add Content drop-down menu (Fig.2.2).

Then select Product from the Items sub-menu (Fig.2.3).

Fig.2.2 Add content to request

Fig.2.3 Create a new product item

You are now entering all the relevant information regarding the laser printers.

Complete as many fields as possible here – the more information you provide, the easier it is for suppliers to provide an accurate quotation.

Under UNSPSC Code, simply begin typing the product item in question (‘laser printer’) and the correct code is automatically suggested (Fig.2.4).

Fig.2.4 Enter a UNSPSC code

Proceed and enter an internal Item Code (in this case: IT0180) and a brief Summary (Fig.2.5):

Fig.2.5 Enter an item summary

You will note that you have provided only minimum specifications. This is to give participating suppliers leeway in terms of the product brands they have in stock and the best value they can offer.

As for the ‘technical documentation’ mentioned in the Summary pictured above, this is attached to the item by clicking the Upload button (Fig.2.6).

Fig.2.6 Upload a file to an item

Proceed to the all-important area of Pricing.

Any items included in a request must include at least one quantity that participating suppliers, in turn, must quote a price for in order to submit their response.

As previously mentioned, you are looking for 5 laser printers, so enter that in the Quantity column and keep it simple by selecting Unit-Each: Each as your unit (Fig.2.7).

You can add further quantities for suppliers to price by clicking Add Volume Pricing.

Fig.2.7 Enter a quantity and select a unit

There are no Notes to add so click Save (Fig.2.8) to add the item to the request and continue adding content.

Fig.2.8 Save item to the request

Actually, let’s see if the suppliers can offer a good price for paper too – your current supplier is refusing to give a discount!

Now, in the demonstration request, paper is something that has been sourced before on SourceDogg, so it should be saved in the Item Library and available to reuse in this request. 

Just open the Add Content drop-down menu and select From Library in the Item sub-menu (Fig.2.9).

Fig.2.9 Select an item from the library

There it is, ‘Paper’ – now simply add it to your request (Fig.2.10).

Fig.2.10 Select an item from the library

Once you have clicked Add (button text should change to Added as per Fig.2.10), simply click the Close (Fig.2.11) button at the foot of the pop-up to return to your request.

Fig.2.11 Close the item library

You need to modify the quantity of this item for this particular request, so click on the edit icon and select Edit (Fig.2.12).

Fig.2.12 Edit a request item

You would like a price for 20 reams, so change the quantity from 1 to 20.

You may also purchase a larger volume if there is a sufficient discount available, so click Add Volume Pricing and enter 50 (Fig.2.13).

Fig.2.13 Add an additional volume for pricing by suppliers

Click Save to return to the Content page.

Now you just have a couple of questions for participating suppliers. You have selected the Score System (Fig.1.11) so questions need to be weighted and scores allocated to any multiple choice answers.

Start with a multiple choice question. Suppliers will only be able to choose one answer so select the Radio Button option (Fig.2.14).

Fig.2.14 Add a radio button question

Your questions is: ‘What is your standard delivery time?’

And the answer choices are ‘Three days or less’, ‘One week or less’, ‘Two weeks or less’.

Assign points of 25, 10 and 0 respectively to these answer choices and Save (Fig.2.15) the question to your request.

Fig.2.15 Save a radio button question to a request

You need to know what type of support suppliers offer.

Your next question therefore, should allow the supplier more flexibility with their answer so select the Freeform option (Fig.2.16).

Fig.2.16 Create a freeform question

And here is your next question: ‘What technical support is included in the price?’

This issue is of equal importance to delivery times, so enter 25 points as the maximum score for an answer (Fig.2.17) before clicking Save.

Fig.2.17 Enter the maximum points awardable to answers of a freeform question

You have one final question for participating suppliers – you want them to upload the brochure for the laser printer model they intend to supply.

So select the Document type question (Fig.2.18).

Fig.2.18 Select a document question

Enter exactly what document you are looking for: ‘Please upload the product brochure for the laser printer model you intend to supply.’

The brochures will be evaluated by the request team scorers with a maximum of 50 points available to suppliers – greater than the previous two questions as quality and performance is the most important consideration of all for my organisation.

Click Save (Fig.2.19) and you have finished adding content.

Fig.2.19 Save a document question to the request

3. Adding suppliers

Now, all that remains before you publish is to add some suppliers that you want to respond. Don’t forget you should also receive quotations from interested suppliers who come across your Public Invitation online (Fig.1.11).

To begin adding suppliers just click on the Suppliers tab (Fig.3.1).

Fig.3.1 Add suppliers to request

Some important issues to note before you begin adding suppliers:

There are two ways of adding suppliers:

  • By searching and adding from the Supplier Directory.
  • By entering a supplier’s email address (for suppliers not listed in the directory).

In addition, all added suppliers will be automatically invited once you publish your request for quotation.

Begin your search of SourceDogg’s Supplier Directory by clicking the link searching for existing suppliers (Fig.3.2).

Fig.3.2 Add SourceDogg-registered suppliers to a request

In the Search panel, you can filter suppliers in the Directory according to a variety of criteria.

Try searching for suppliers in the UK with the tag ‘Laser printers’ (Fig.3.3).

Fig.3.3 Search for suppliers 

Further information (including a full organisation profile) can be viewed for each of the suppliers in the search results by clicking on the more info link (Fig.3.4).

Fig.3.4 Read more about search result suppliers

Click the Add button to add suppliers you like to your request; three organisations – Imtech ICT UK Ltd, Kyocera Mita (UK) Ltd and Right Document Solutions (RDS) – are added to your Invitation List in the example pictured below (Fig.3.5).

Fig.3.5 Add suppliers from the Directory

Your current supplier of office equipment is Print Supplies Ltd and you would like them to compete again for your business – so remove the Laser printers’ tag (Fig.3.6) as they may be in the system but not tagged with that term.

Fig.3.6 Remove a search tag

Now enter Print Supplies Ltd’ in the Supplier Name field (Fig.3.7) and hit Search.

Fig.3.7 Search for a supplier by company name

Okay, they are not registered with SourceDogg yet (see message – ‘No suppliers match the criteria you entered’). However, you can easily add them to your request by simply clicking on the link invite them by email OR the button Enter email addresses (Fig.3.8).

Fig.3.8 Add suppliers by email

Just enter the supplier’s email address (‘’ in example pictured below) and click Add to Invitation List (Fig.3.9).

Fig.3.9 Enter a supplier’s email address

And that’s it – a request for quotation that’s ready for publication in minutes.

Now Publish (Fig.3.10) and watch those quotations roll in!

Fig.3.10 Publish a request for quotation

And remember:

  • you can invite more suppliers after publication but you cannot change your content.
  • all requests can be cloned, edited and reused – meaning your next sourcing event for laser printers can be up and running in seconds!