How Sales Strategy can Strengthen Supply Chains

Supply chain issues seem to be front and centre of many business meetings at the moment, and this reaches far beyond the procurement and operations teams. Supply chain teams don’t operate in a vacuum and the delicate interplay with sales is becoming ever more vital for company success. Here, we look at a particular example of Ford which has stopped taking Fiesta orders after supply chain issues ‘significantly affect’ production. What has driven this decision and what can we learn from their approach?

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Five Strategies to Boost Supply Chain Performance in Complicated Times

With so many strong external forces at play in the supply chain world at the moment, it’s easy to feel out of control. The truth is that no one can control everything and you can be forgiven for that feeling of powerlessness but there are still many strategies you can still employ to boost effectiveness and efficiency in these complex times, here are our top five…

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The Impact of Inflation (& how supply chains can handle it)

According to the Office of National Statistics, the inflation rate (YoY) is 9.0% and The Bank of England expects the rate of inflation to keep rising throughout 2022. In this article, we discuss how we got here, what we can learn and how forward-thinking supply chain teams can focus on three areas of your operation to make a tangible change to how your business experiences inflation.

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Crisis Averted – How to Avoid Supply Chain Catastrophe

It feels like there’s a new crisis every day affecting the supply chain – it’s certainly been a turbulent time for supply chain managers so far in 2022. If you’re experiencing price hikes or extended lead times like many of our clients, it may be time to start a data-driven, pragmatic conversation with your supply chain using technology to help you avert the crisis…

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Continuous Improvement: The Strategic Secret to Sustained Success

Many successful companies have embedded continuous improvement into their businesses as a strategic pillar, not a one-time re-imagining of the business that drives success over the long term.

Let’s explore what continuous improvement looks like in practice, and how to apply the concept in your business using technology.

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How Wise is Your Supply Chain?

In this article, we explore the DIKW model and apply it to supply chain management. This concept represents the relationships between data, information, knowledge and wisdom to enable better, data-driven decision making and supercharge your supply chain with SourceDogg.

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