Response Status

Once you accept Request Invitation, it is no longer an Invitation and it becomes your Response. The Response status is outlined on the sidebar of the Response and changes along with the responding progress as follows:

    1. Draft – displays when you have started answering questions or pricing items; it lasts until the Response has been submitted


    1. Submitted – displays after the Response has been submitted to Buyer Organisation


    1. Under Consideration – displays after Response has been submitted and the deadline to submit Responses has passed


    1. Decision – displays after Response has been submitted, the deadline to submit Responses has passed and the decision has been made by Buyer Organisation. Decision will be shown in ‘Request status’ top side bar as ‘Successful’ or ‘Unsuccessful


The Response Status of the stage that has been complete or the stage that has not started yet, is grayed out. Only the Response Status of the current stage is active.